

★9月27日に、Gordon Divinity SChoolの卒業50年の記念集会が、懐かしいニューイングランドで開かれます。残念ながら私は参加を断念しました。


Thanks for the YouTube links. While I can’t understand the words, I can see you lecturing theology in the tradition of the late Dr. Roger Nicole .
 「ああ神の前に 我いそしまん

「Dear Takeo,

What a delight to hear from you! And it’s long past time to start calling me Ramsey, not Dr. Michaels.

I also am sorry you will not be at the reunion. I’m looking forward to seeing so many old friends from that era.

I have in my screensaver slideshow a picture of you and Kimiyo, which you sent to me quite some time ago. Thanks for the YouTube links. While I can’t understand the words, I can see you lecturing theology in the tradition of the late Dr. Roger Nicole .

I am glad, and flattered, that you are finding my John commentary useful. To Augustine and Calvin, I would add Chrysostom, whom I found quite insightful in the course of writing my commentary.

I cherish my recollections of your scholarship and our friendship.

My dear wife Betty died three years ago. I continue to live in our house in Portsmouth NH, and doing some writing. I have four children and nine grandchildren, so I am blessed.

Your lifelong brother and friend,
