

★Dr. Virginia Wardは、写真を見る限り、黒人女性です。
ハーバートのDivinity Schoolの教授陣の半分は、女性と黒人との印象を受けました。白人男性が教授職を手に入れるのは、難しいと話す白人男性に会いました。

2016 Gordon-Conwell
Advent Devotional | Day 16 | Show and Tell

Matthew 2:10
When I was in elementary school my teacher often gave us a homework assignment called “show and tell.” Two or three students were chosen to bring an item from home that they could “show,” physically display for all to see and then “tell” of its significance. This exercise was a learning experience for the entire class. As a child, I enjoyed sharing with my classmates while our teacher (unbeknownst to us) also developed and sharpened our public speaking skills.

When the wise men came to visit Jesus, they were given instructions by King Herod to show and tell him everything they witnessed. The wise men rejoiced with great joy as they proceeded to the place of the Christ Child. After entering the house and viewing Mary with the young Child, they bowed and worshipped him. The gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh were presented by the adults to the child. Each gift spoke to a prophetic role Jesus would later show and tell to mankind. The wise men showed their appreciation for the gift this child would be to all and told of their joy to God.

Herod’s time for show and tell was sabotaged by God who did not permit the wise men to return to him. Instead of telling Herod about the birth and location of the Child, they went back to their own country. His true sentiments were revealed when he became angry as he discovered the wise men were not playing his game.

This Advent season, it is our responsibility to show others the joy Christ has brought into the world through our worship and actions. We should tell our families, friends, neighbors and even our foes about the significance of the gift of Jesus. As we decorate our homes and purchase gifts for others, let us not neglect the greatest gift that God has given to us this season.

Dr. Virginia Ward
Director of Leadership and Mentored Ministry Initiatives