9月19日(水)ヨハネ19章の味わい その1 今日は、神田岩本町クリスチャントゥデイ事務所に行かず、在宅読み書き、事務処理

9月19日(水)ヨハネ19章の味わい その1






「この朝の一首」(A Japanese short poem "tanka" for the day with pictures taken by Philip):
  ・ 信仰の戦いあれどひるまずにいのち手にして証人たれ   愛馬伝師  ⅠTim. 6:12、Live as a witness of the Lord though there might be strugles having the Etenal life given by faith.

平位 全一 庭に咲く月見草。



大庭 実

市村ご夫妻から、Servant Leader Newsletter9月号

市村ご夫妻から、Servant Leader Newsletter9月号

Servant Leader Newsletter
September, 2018
Andrew Ichimura

When an American missionary took a survey of Japanese Christians about prayer partners, he asked Christian couples: “do you pray together as a couple?” He also asked singles: “do you pray with a prayer partner?” The results indicated “only very few couples pray together and most Christians do not have a prayer partner.”
Of course, praying alone is important, but it’s also very important to have a prayer partner like a spouse or fellow believer. Therefore, I would like to challenge each follower of Christ to find and commit to a prayer partner…for when two or three gather together to pray, I believe huge transformation will occur in your life and family through this discipline of prayer.

One Korean Christian couple who live in Japan read the Bible (the Love verse from 1 Corinthians 13) and pray together every morning. What a great example!

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 (NIV)

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20 (NIV)

· “VIP Hawaii” (Chairman: Nobuyoshi Kato) will hold a special gathering on Sep 18th (Tue) with guest speaker Toshiharu Ichikawa (Director of Overseas Pension Consultation Center http://nenkinichikawa.org/) and his speech is entitled: “Transitioning back to Japan” in which he will cover Japan and US pension plans, returning to Japan after retirement, and eligibility concerns and issues. The seminar may answer various questions regarding qualification of Japan and US pensions including nationality/citizenship change, green card holders, etc. Please join us with your friends. Please keep the seminar in your prayers to be a great fellowship opportunity to share the gospel message. Speaker, Toshiharu Ichikawa served as Consulate General of New York and San Francisco after working 38 years in a private company.

· “VIP Osaka” (Chairman: Tsutomu Nakayama) will be held on Sep 18th (Tue) at Kitahama Square in the VIP Kansai Center Building 8F with guest speaker Njane Stephen Njehia (Doctoral Course, Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture · Biological Sensing Engineering Laboratory). His speech is entitled: “Technology to prepare for a food crisis - A Diet for 9 billion people in 2050”— Expecting to hear some advice and suggestions on solutions to a food crisis arising from an explosive increase of world population. Please pray that business people in Osaka will come to know and have faith in Christ.

· “VIP Owners- Kansai” (Chairman: Akira Sakamoto) will be held on Sep 27th (Thur) 12:30-3:30pm at Kagairo Osaka Castle restaurant, 3F Hotel New Otani Osaka. The guest speaker will be Miwa Sasaki (Osaka University Graduate School of Human Sciences) and her speech is entitled: “Prediction and preparation for Nankai megathrust earthquakes”. Michito Kasagawa, who is a pastor and business consultant, will also talk about “Business strategy lessons from the Bible”. Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to flood the Kansai area.

· “VIP Ikebukuro” (Chairman: Shigeo Kishimoto) was held on Sep 14th at Jiyugakuen Myonichi-kan (National treasure) with Chiaki Kondo (Translator) speaking about “Light and shadow of Africa - The land of Kenya and people’s lives”. Ms. Kondo went to Kenya in 2013 for the first time and fell in love being there and has visited several times since then. She stayed at the Orphanage (Hope House) owned by Japanese NPO in Nairobi and enjoyed experiencing the natural beauty created by God in that part of the world. She hopes that her presentation will make people aware of the Hope House and of children and mothers’ lives in Kenya as well as social conflict in the area.

· “2018 VIP Diet Christmas Banquet” will be held on Nov 26th (Mon) 6-9pm at Hotel New Otani Tokyo. (400 people) The main speaker will be Tommy Nakajima (pro golfer). The special guests will include Mr. Shigeru Ishiba (former Secretary General of LDP), Mr. Banri Kaieda (former Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry), Mr. Motohisa Furukawa (Deputy leader of National Democratic Party), Ms. Mizuho Fukushima (former leader of Social Democratic party), H.E. Mr. Paul Madden (British diplomat and ambassador to Japan), H.E. Ms. Yaffa Ben-Ari (Ambassador of Israel in Japan), Mr. Toru Hashimoto (Honorary advisor of Mizuho Financial Group), Mr. Ujiie Junichi (Honorary advisor of Namura Holdings), Mr. Masayuki Muneyuki (Former CEO of Fuji Film) and others. Ms. Junko Akisawa (TBS-TV) will be the MC. Please pray that leaders of Japan will come to know Christ personally and have faith in him as Lord.



Fall 2018 New Student Convocation
Filled with the Spirit and Wisdom - Acts 6:1-10







それを振り切り立ち上がったのですが、「空」をなんと表現していいかわからず、complete nothing like stoneと繰り返したのです。

極限の苦悩の中で見いだした「人生の意味」 『夜と霧―ドイツ強制収容所の体験記録』
