

「この朝の一首」(A Japanese short poem "tanka" for the day with pictures taken by Philip):
  ・ ローマ焼きその責め負わずキリストの弟子を迫害皇帝ネロは                 ・ 日本でも迫害されし切支丹迫害忍び隠れ信者に    愛馬伝師     The Roman emperor Nero persecuted early Christians blaming them as criminals of setting fire on the City of Rome. In Japan too early Chrisinas were being persecuted by governors of that time and they had been hiding themselves to keep their faith.

平位 全一 夏枯れした草を燃やしています。炎の向きが、風がもう北風に変わったことを示しています。