

2016 Gordon-Conwell
Advent Devotional | Day 22 | The Power of the Risen Lord

Ephesians 6:10-20
“Where is the one born king of the Jews?” asked the Magi (Matthew 2:2). “The immeasurable greatness of God’s power,” says Paul, “raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the heavenly places far above every authority in this age and the age to come” (1:20-21). It is also at work in us who believe (1:19). Indeed, Christ our King reigns!

Advent looks back to both the first awaiting of Christ the King and his future coming. Yet Jesus is not simply the “once and future king.” He reigns right now. Since Christ reigns, we put on not our armor, but God’s. Since he has already overcome the enemy, our spiritual warfare entails “standing firm.”

Throughout Ephesians, Paul explores how Christ’s present reign makes a difference here and now: in our salvation and reconciliation (ch. 2), in unity between Jews and Gentiles (2:11ff), in Paul’s ministry (ch. 3), in church unity (4:1-13), in a transformed life (chs. 4-5) and in unity in the household (5:21-6:9).

By the immeasurable greatness of God’s power at work in us through the reign of Christ in our lives, let us stand firm in our faith against the devil’s wiles by wielding truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation and prayer. This Advent, let’s not simply await Christ’s future coming as King; let’s stand firm in the already present power of the risen Lord.

Dr. Rollin Grams
Associate Professor of New Testament