


Sensei: I am pleased that your 25-year ministry in Okinawa has become the foundation of your strategic Bible Ministry back in that country/island for your ministry once again amongst people whom you know. Here are some Ministry news from Toronto.

Pastor';s ministry last week began with a home visit to a church friend, 'Prince George' Richard on his 94th birthday What a good/great time we had with him & wife plus another friend. This was followed by an afternoon visit to 2 more seniors @ Fieldstone Nursing home, where Carmen Bell & Katsumi Watari are steady residents. The latter was in bed in broad daylight, half-dozed but an English tract was left with him

March 1st was our Spring Chapel @ Momiji Seniors Centre. They have had a problem with one of the 2 elevators, & they are gutting the engine/motors of the elevator,, which will take a long time. Some 200 residentsusing one working elevator require a lot of patience when trying to escort some of these seniors to our chapel room on the 9th floor. One very rewarding incident of this chapel was that Nori N., who once spurned thepastor's invitation to chapel suddenly changed her mind that day & she came along with the rest of the attendees. (She is a retired nurse from Winnipeg. She cane from Japan as a young lady & has no relative here in Canada)

Saturday was our biweekly Nisei Breakfast. It was so good to see son, Arthur, driving his dad to Toke's house in E. York for this Breakfast. though walking with his cane & slightlyj wobbly at times, Mits can still walk & eats well--even faster than anyone of us.. Among the earliest of customers @ Michel's Bakery Cafe in the Fairview Mall, we were surprised to see that the 2nd cupy of coffee given free all these years will now coast a $1.00 extra. (We were told that the raising of the minimum wage in Ontario made it necessary to charge that dollar for the 2nd cup) Sid Ikeda--now coming for the 3rd time--made this interesting remark. If he goes to a Christian group, he introduces himself as a Christian-Buddhist, but if he goes to a Buddhist group, he calls himself a Buddhist-Christian. this way he offends nobody!)

In the p.m. the pastor was driven by his daughjter, Gwen, to the 7th birthday of his youngest g/daughter, Erika. It was interesting to note that the 3rd generation of the Yoshida clan tend to play & amuse themselves with the ipad & the smartphones while neglecting the conversations with the elders--save for the time when they are eating. Like dipping their Doritos into the salsa as snacks. this was followed by mouth-watering dinner of Wesley's bbq'd calpyi & Yokochan's okra (West Indies vegetable) over rice with Misoshiru for soup. These made our distant drive rewarding. Pastor truly feels in these moments that he is loved by Jesus thru his family and favoured by having loved ones living so close to him)

Today, (Sunday), our much - awaited GIDEON FELLOWSHIP bilingual Bible Study was both challenging (Ogawa) & blessed. The day started with the pick-up of Dave Azuma at Momiji. At the church we met Drs. Nasrin & Massey, who have never missed a Service since they 1st came. Hisami Naito was also present after she missed the last Meeting due to health issues. Then Niroshimasan came immediately after her Sunday work was done at Travel Lodge on her bike (Her family lived on Mt. Koya for some 20 years in Japan)) Today we were ablel to cover much ground over the Scripture passage from John 13:18--38--reading in English & Japanese. Our multi-cultural luncheon was donated by the family whose baby was being dedicated at the Service. later, Mas Arai confirmed that he was so pleased with this bilingual format of English-Japanese discussion & showed his appreciation of Dr. Nasrin being present in our discussions.

Looking over the schedule for the next couple of weeks ...

1.Nursing Home visitation @ Fairfield Commons - 3/7
2.Pastor's appointment with orthopaedic specialist - 3/9
3.Our Clock moves one hour ahead for Summer Time change - 3/11
4.March Break fro