50年記念ニューイングランドの母校・ゴードン神学院(Gordon Divinity School)卒業集会の案内再度

50年記念ニューイングランドの母校・ゴードン神学院(Gordon Divinity School)卒業集会の案内再度

★9月のゴードン神学院(Gordon Divinity School)卒業50年記念集会
全ての恩師が主のもとに召されている中で、ただ一人お元気で地上の働きを続けておられる、Dr. J. Ramsey Michaels がご出席と聞き、本来なら飛んでいきたい思いです。教授は、本格的な新約学の手ほどきをしてくださった方です。

Dear Takeo:
If you already registered for the Gordon Divinity School “50th” year reunion, Wednesday, September 27 – Friday, September 29, 2017 at the Hamilton Campus of Gordon-Conwell—we look forward to seeing you there! If not, we hope you plan to join us. Register today online or complete the return card included with the brochure you received in the mail.*
1. Dr. J. Ramsey Michaels will join us for the reunion. Come back to remember and rejoice as we celebrate our theme, By God’s Grace...
2. We are collecting stories of God’s miraculous grace. If you would like to share a story related to the theme of the reunion:
• Write your one-page story for printing and distribution at the reunion and following. You do not need to attend the reunion in order to submit a story.
• Send your story to Alumni Services by mail: 130 Essex Street, South Hamilton, MA 01982; or email: rgibson@gordonconwell.edu by the deadline of August 31, 2017.
We hope you will be able to join us for this Gordon Divinity School reunion.