ニューイングランドの母校から、2017年イースターへ向け旅の導き その1 Gordon-Conwell's Holy Week Devotional 2017 Day 1: Palm Sunday, April 9

ニューイングランドの母校から、2017年イースターへ向け旅の導き その1
Gordon-Conwell's Holy Week Devotional 2017
Day 1: Palm Sunday, April 9

Following the Crowd or Following Jesus?
John 12:12-19

A horrific traffic accident draws many eyeballs and may even form a crowd, propelling spectators’ feet to witness the scene more closely. Celebrity figures, like actors and actresses, sports stars and pop stars, often draw a crowd—whether we like them or not. Standing up for a cause like running for cancer awareness can draw a crowd, because people believe so strongly in it. Crowds develop for many different reasons.

In John 12, the Feast of Passover also drew a sizeable gathering. Bible scholars tell us that the city of Jerusalem swelled in population from approximately 50,000 to over 100,000 during this feast. As Jesus approached Jerusalem on that day known to us as Palm Sunday, the crowds clustered around him. Toward the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus had reached more or less celebrity status. He was known to many as the healer of diseases, a miracle worker and a remarkable teacher.

Yet, these crowds celebrated Jesus not because he was their Messiah and Deliverer, but rather because they thought he would be their political and earthly king—the requisite antidote to overthrow Roman rule. So, they waved their palm branches as a symbol of nationalism and not because they knew Jesus’ true identity.

In verse 16, Jesus’ very disciples did not understand his true purpose, nor did the crowds in verse 17 who gathered mainly because they had heard how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Later, in verse 19, the Pharisees continued to misunderstand Jesus, too. There was a large crowd in Jerusalem, but many followed Jesus for the wrong reasons.

Why do we follow Jesus today? Have we—like the crowds and the disciples in Jesus’ day—somehow misunderstood his true identity and mission? Has following Jesus grown stale? Have we become discouraged and even disappointed because Jesus has not fulfilled all of our prayer requests? Have we forgotten why we are Christians? Hopefully our answer to these questions is: “No!”

We believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and the Savior of the world! So we cry “Hosanna” to Jesus today, not because of what we can get from him but because of what he has already given us—his very life as an offering for our sins and the glorious promise of eternity spent with him.

Matthew D. Kim, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Preaching and Ministry