ニューイングランドの母校からアドヴェントメッセージの便り その25

ニューイングランドの母校からアドヴェントメッセージの便り その25

2015 Gordon-Conwell Advent Devotional
Day 26

Matthew 23
The incarnation of Jesus points to a redemptive process which starts with God’s transcendence infusing the created order, providing meaning, worth and value to it. He came to rescue us from our predicament under sin, which resulted in separation, condemnation and judgment, in spite of our pharisaic efforts.

Advent reminds us that he came to his own, and that his own received him not. Jesus’ tears, shed as he observed his city from a panoramic view as “from the top,” expressed his intention to gather us under his wings, so as to cover our alienated precariousness, inadequacies and shortcomings. And this, in spite of our obstinacy, dejection and rejection of his prophets and envoys. His person, presence and power, manifested in the flesh, offer us a picture of protection and care, extending grace and mercy in unilateral and unconditional fashion. His proactive love infuses hope to our future, depicting an eschatological picture in which the culmination of God’s redemptive process will take place.

One day, we shall welcome the Blessed One to His realm, fulfilling the Father’s design. In anticipation, let us live out the effects of His redemption, inviting the transcendent into our endeavors so as to celebrate this season with meaning.
Dr. Pablo Polischuk
Professor of Pastoral Counseling and Psychology