ニューイングランドの母校からの便り、Study for a Th.M. in Boston

ニューイングランドの母校からの便り、Study for a Th.M. in Boston

Dear Takeo:
Greetings from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston! I’m Dr. Jason Hood, Director of Advanced Urban Ministerial Education here at the urban campus. We’re launching a new Th.M. in Practical Theology with national cohorts in June 2016 (Boston) and September 2016 (Cincinnati) as well as a local cohort in Boston.

Maybe you’re looking to expand your current capacity for effective ministry or leadership. Perhaps you’re looking for a mid-career ceiling-breaker. Maybe you have considered researching, publishing, or teaching at the graduate level. Our Th.M. in Practical Theology can serve all of these goals, and can function as a bridge into advanced standing into a D.Min. program—or even launch you into a Ph.D. in Practical Theology.

Crafted for ministry leaders, pastors, and parachurch workers who already possess an M.A., M.Div., or 60 hours or more of graduate credit in theological studies, the Th.M. in Practical Theology allows students to develop leadership capacity through classroom instruction, collaborative research with recognized field experts, and independent investigation and reflection. This one-year degree is designed to be completed by busy professionals in 18 months, with just three ten-day visits to a host site and independent research and writing under the guidance of our Boston faculty.

You can also browse information on the web by clicking here: http://www.gordonconwell.edu/boston/future/ThM-in-Practical-Theology.cfm (and please note the gray bar on the left, with additional informative links listed under the main Th.M. page).

Cohorts in Boston and Cincinnati are open for admission for only a bit longer, so please email back to let me know you’re interested, even if you aren’t ready to apply today.

I’d also be happy to talk on the phone or correspond by email to explore your needs, your vision for ministry, and to hear what God is doing in and through you for his glory.

Grace and peace in Jesus,
J. B. Hood, Ph.D.
Director of Advanced Urban Ministerial Education