
Dear Friend,
As an alumnus, I'm excited to see Harvard Divinity School engaging as never before in the public conversation about religion and society. Here are just a few examples:

The Boston Marathon Bombing: Dean Hempton spoke out eloquently and publicly in response to the attack of April 15, then brought University community together for a discussion of religion and terror that drew a “standing-room-only” crowd.

The Transition in the Catholic Church: The School packed Andover Hall for a conversation about the papacy and the state of the Roman Catholic Church with National Book Award-winner James Carroll. HDS faculty also weighed in on the resignation of Pope Benedict and the election of Pope Francis in University, local, and national media.

Religion at Harvard University: Dean Hempton spent much of the past year working with some of the University’s leading scholars to restructure the study of religion. Then he engaged President Faust in a high profile, public discussion of the importance of this discipline at Harvard during HDS’s annual Leadership Day.

HDS needs our support to bring knowledge and critical thinking to the dialogue about religion. If you share Dean Hempton’s aspirations for the School and the role it can play in the world, please join with me and make a gift to The HDS Fund today.

W. Andrew Gantt, MTS'90
Member, Alumni/Alumnae Council, Leadership Council